The Tenets of Taekwon-do:
Indomitable Spirit
Taekwon-do Oath:
I shall observe the tenets of Taekwon-do.
I shall respect the instructor and seniors.
I shall never misuse Taekwon-do.
I shall be a champion of freedom and justice.
I shall build a more peaceful world.
- A special, spectacular Korean way of fighting, based on kicks,
punches and blocks, pure empty hand self-defense or close-range
combat system, modern competitive sport, or the art of fine movements?
These all can be mentioned as a definition, but the content is much
more than this. Real Taekwon-do IS a MARTIAL ART. It is a special
lifestyle and way of behavior, a strict education system and philosophy
built on traditions. At the same time it is combined with military
discipline accepted voluntarily during the trainings.
The expression “Taekwon-do” has a Korean origin. The meaning of
the name composed of three metaphors is the following:
TAE = foot technique or kicking,
KWON = hand technique or fist,
DO = spiritual way, art or method.
So, TAEKWON-DO translated word by word means “The art of fighting
with the technique of foot and hand”, or just simply “The art of
self defense”. From another point of view, Taekwon-do is science,
the scientific use of the body in the martial art. With the knowledge
of the principles of anatomy, biomechanics and physics, and with
intensive training, man is able to bring out hidden abilities and
mobilize the maximum power of his body. However, we shouldn’t forget
that the practice of techniques alone – no matter how intensive
sport activity it may be – will not make anyone a real martial artist.
This can only be reached by the addition of proper mental background,
moral culture, spiritual power and motivation.