The list of clubs of the Hungarian ITF Taekwon-do Federation

Manager and Founder:
GM Harmat László IX. Dan

Chiefinstructor: Bóra Ferenc VI. Dan

Clubleader, Instructor:
Mucsi Krisztián V. Dan

Information by phone: +36-30-930-6440

Place of trainings: Budapest II.ker. Fillér str. 70-76.,
Sports Hall of the Fillér School
(On the bus line 149. from Széll Kálmán square)

Schedule of trainings: Monday and Thursday 18.30-20.30

Chiefinstructor: Master Poós Péter VII. Dan

Club leader: Kisfalvi Gábor V. Dan

Instructors: Hegedűs Endre VI. Dan,
Kisfalvi Gábor V. Dan, Nagy Tamás IV. Dan
Tóth József IV. Dan, Gál Csaba IV. Dan
Nika Barbara IV. Dan

Information by phone: +36-20-621-7315

Place of trainings: Budapest VIII. district.
Mosonyi str. 6., Gymnasium of Schulek Frigyes Secondary School
(near Keleti Railway Station)

Schedule of trainings: Tuesday-Thursday 18.30-19.45

Budapest Eagles SC

Chiefinstructor: Master Szalay Gábor VII. Dan

Information by phone:

Place of trainings: Gymnasium of the Fekete István Elementary School (competitors):
Tuesday-Thursday-Friday 17.30-19.30

Kőbánya Children and Youth Community Center, (KÖSZI) 1105. Budapest, Elod str. 1.
Beginner children group 6-14 years (10-6. gup grade): Monday-Wednesday 18.00-19.30

Instructors: Herbák Tamás III. Dan, Volenik Gabriella II.Dan

Budapest Hurricane TKD Club

Chiefinstructor: Kozák László VI. Dan

Instructor: Kocsis Gábor IV. Dan

Information by phone: +36-70-414-3334

Place of trainings: Budapest XIII. ker. Váci út 179.
Gymnasium of the Bánki Donát Technical School

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 18.30-20.00

Budapest Tigers SC

Chiefinstructor: Pataki Krisztián V. Dan

Instructors: Patakiné Zsiros Anikó III.Dan
Kiss Viktor III. Dan, Dányi Leonetta II. Dan,

Information by phone: +36-70-941-5992

Place of trainings:1042 Budapest István str. 17-19. Újpest Youth Community House.

Schedule of trainigs: Tuesday-Thursday 18.00-19.30

Lőrinc - sparring
Place of trainings: 1181 Bp. Kondor Béla sétány 7.
Gymnasium of the Kondor Béla Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Monday 18.00-19.30

Lőrinc - base techniques training
Place of trainings: Tigers Gym, 1181 Budapest, Havanna str. 3.

Schedule of trainings: Friday 16.30-18.00
Children group from 4 years:
Budapest, XVIII. Kondor Béla walkway 7.
Monday-Thursday: 16.30-17.30

Zen Power TKD Club

Chiefinstructor:Békássy Csaba V. dan

Intructors: Opra-Szabó Zsuzsa IV. Dan, Ónodi Zsolt 1. Dan

Information by phone: +36-20-349-3822

Place of trainings: Gold Center Education and Sports Center 1117 Budapest Budafoki str. 113.

Schedule of trainings: Tuesday-Thursday
17:00-17:45 TKD Kids Kindergarten group
4-7 years
18:00-19:15 TKD Kids School group
7-13 years
19:30-21:00 Adult Taekwon-do group
14+ years

Budakeszi TKD Club

Chiefinstructor:Bóra Ferenc V. Dan

Instructor: Hajdú Péter II. Dan

Information by phone: +36-30-434-4470

place of trainings: 2092 Budakeszi,
Széchenyi str. 94. Gymnasium of the Nagy Sándor József Grammar School

Schedule of trainings: Tuesday-Friday 16.45-18.45

Friendship SC Battonya

Chiefinstructor:Rádai Imre IV. Dan

Instructors: Rádai Roland IV.dan, Olasz Máté III.dan

Information by phone: +36-70-333-68-41

Place of trainings: 5830 Battonya, Petőfi square
Gymnasium of the Szent Isván Elementary School.

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 17.30-19.00

Békéscsaba LTP SC

Chiefinstructor: Krajcsó István IV. Dan

Instructor: Takács Barbara II.dan

Information by phone: +36-30-382-7774

Place of trainings: 5600 Békéscsaba,
Gymnasium of the Szabó Pál square Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Tuesday-Thursday 17.00-18.30

Place of trainings: 5600 Békéscsaba,
Kazinczy u., Gymnasium of the Technical School

Schedule of trainings: Wednesday-Friday 16.30-18.00

Csopak Wave-breakers TKD CLub

Chiefinstructor: Gábor Farkas II. Dan

Information by phone: +36-30-504-8711

Place of trainings: Gymnasium of the Csopak Lutheran Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Wednesday, Firday 18.00-19.30

Székesfehérvár Taekwon-do Club

Chiefinstructor: Hajas Attila III.Dan

Information by phone: +36-70-227-9118

Place of trainings: Gymnasium of the Kodály Zoltán Elementary School
Székesfehérvár, Béke square 4.

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday 17.30-19.00

Balatonfüred Combat Sports Association

Chiefinstructor: Vajky László II. Dan

Information by phone: +36-20-397-9863

Place of trainings: Arács Folk House and Exhibition Centre
8230 Balatonfüred, Lóczy Lajos str. 62.

Schedule of trainings: Tuesday-Thursday 16.30-18.00

Gödöllő Contact ITF Taekwon-do SC

Chiefinstructor: Kókai Zsolt V. Dan

Instructor: Bordács Sára II. Dan, Lovász Hanna II. Dan

Information by phone: +36-20-560-1148

Place of trainings: 2100 Gödöllő, Asbóth Sándor str. 2/A
Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday
advanced: 17.30-19.00
beginner: 17.00-18.00

Győr Dragons Hwa-Rang Taekwon-do SC

Chiefinstructor: Dr. Szalai István II.Dan

Club founding master: Géczi Gusztáv III. Dan

Instructor: Szalai Maja III. Dan

Information by phone: +36-70-945-8601

Place of trainings: 9027 Győr,
Puskás Tivadar str. 8.
Vitál Judo Center

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Tuesday-Thursday 18.30-20.00

Hatvan Taekwon-do Club

Chiefinstructor: Dudás Attila VI. Dan

Instructors: Molnár Márk III.Dan, Kolos Ferenc I.Dan

Information by phone: +36-30-270-1798

Place of trainings: 3000 Hatvan, Kossuth square 1.,
Kossuth Gymnasium of the Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday 17.30-19.30

Herend Taekwon-do Association

Chiefinstructor: Darnai János II. Dan

Instructors: Pátkai Miklós V. Dan,
Pátkainé Farkas Enikő I. Dan
Enyingi András II. Dan

Information by phone: +36-20-240-8749

Place of trainings: 8440 Herend, Iskola utca 8.
Gymnasium of the Herend Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Thursday 16.30-18.00

Hódmezővásárhely TKD Club

Chiefinstructor: Zsarkó Dániel Péter V. Dan

Founder: Master Máté Zoltán VII. Dan

Instructors:Cserényi Tibor 1. Dan.

Information by phone:

Place of trainings: 6800 Hódmezővásárhely, Gymnasium of the Dominican Sisters' Liszt Ferenc Music elementary school
tornaterme. 6800 Hódmezővásárhely, Szent István sq. 2.

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday 16.45-18.00

Maroslele group

Instructors:Lőkös Zoltán III. Dan.

Information by phone:

Place of trainings: Community House, 6921 Maroslele, Szabadság sq. 5.

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday 17.30-19.00

Algyő ITF Taekwon-do Club

Chiefinstructor: Zsarkó Dániel Péter V.Dan

Information by phone:

Place of trainings: 6750 Algyő, Community Training Hall, Kastélykert str. 63.

Schedule of trainings: Friday 16.30-17-30, Sunday 9.00-10.00
Sparring training: Sunday 10.00-11.00

Taekwon-do Spirit SE Hatvan

Chiefinstructor: Szász Péter VI. Dan

Instructor: Kovács Zoltán IV. Dan

Information by phone: +36-20-398-5391

Place of trianings:3000 Hatvan, Radnóti square 2.

Schedule of trainings:
1. Kid Spirit: Wednesday 17.00-18.00
2. Beginners' group: Tuesday-Friday 17.00-18.30
3. Intermediate group: Tuesday-Friday: 18.30-20.30

Kétegyháza TKD Klub

Chiefinstructor: Nagy László IV. Dan

Instructor: Tóth Mária 2. Gup

Information by phone: +36-70-375-9588

Place of trainings: 5741 Kétegyháza,
Gymnasium of the Magyar Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Thursday-Friday 16.30-18.00

Eagles SC Kiskunhalas

Chiefinstructor: Madarász Attila IV. Dan

Information by phone: +36-20-364-0866

Place of trianings: 6400 Kiskunhalas, City Office Building in Szilády Áron str, and Gymnasium of the Fazekas Gábor str. Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 18.00-19.30

Kápolnásnyék Taekwon-do Club

Instructor: Marcsek Bálint III. Dan

Information by phone: +36-20-929-6911

Place of trainings: 2475 Kápolnásnyék, Gárdonyi str 26.
(opposite the elementary school)

Schedule of trainings:
Kids: Tuesday-Thursday, 16.30-17.30
Junior-adult: Tuesday-Thursday, 16.30-18.30

Luigi Team Taekwon-do Club, Érd

Chiefinstructor: Németh Lajos I. Dan

Information by phone: +36-70-945-5552

Place of trainings: Tárnok (Érd), II. Rákóczi Ferenc Primary School, Rákóczi str. 78

Schedule of trainings: Monday, Thursday 18:30-20:00

Place of trainings: Dunaújváros, Móricz Zsigmond Primary School, Úttörő str. 1-3.

Schedule of trainings:Tuesday, Friday 19:30-21:00

Magyarbánhegyes Corvin Taekwon-do Club

Chiefinstructor: Castillo-Tamás Tímea IV. Dan

Club Founder: Tamás József V. Dan

Instructors:Tamás Boglárka III. Dan, Kenneth Castillo II. Dan, Süli Ferenc I. Dan, Priskin Ferenc I. Dan

Information by phone: +36203265482

Place of trainings: 5667 Magyarbánhegyes
Gymnasium of the Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Wednesday-Friday 17.00-19.00

Spárta Taekwondo Medgyesegyáza SC

Chiefinstructor: Rusz István VI. Dan

Instructor: Rusz Istvánné Balázs Eszter II. Dan

Information by phone: +36-70-519-3186

Place of trainings: Medgyesegyháza Sports Center

Schedule of trainings: Wednesday-Friday 16.00-18.00

Mezőhegyes Platán SC

Chiefinstructor: Mráz Tamás IV. Dan

Information by phone: +36-30-228-2419

Place of trainings: summer:
5820. Mezőhegyes, Kórház str. 24.,
Gymnasium of the former Elementary School.
winter (november 1-march 31):
5820. Mezőhegyes, Béke Park 1.,
ÁMK. Theater.

Schedule of trainings: Tuesday-Thursday 18.00-20.00

Mongoose Taekwon-do SC, Balatonalmádi

Chiefinstructor: Kosztyu György V. Dan

Instructor: Kosztyu Veronika IV. Dan

Information by phone: +36-20-517-9726

Place of trainings: ERŐD Hall
8220 Balatonalmádi, Veszprém str. 106.

Schedule of trainings:
Kindergarten group:
Thursday 16.00-17.00

children group:
Tuesday, Thursday 17.00-18.30

adult group:
Tuesday, Thursday 18.30-20.00

Monor SE TKD Szakosztály

Chiefinstructor: Fülpesi Tibor VI. Dan

Information by phone: +36-29-436-808

Information by phone: +36-30-856-3202

Place of trainings: 2200 Monor, Jászai Mari square 1.,
Gymnasium of the Jászai Mari Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Tuesday-Thursday 18.00-20.00, Friday 19.30-21.00

Pécsi Sasok Taekwon-do Klub

Chiefinstructor: Szűcs Gábor III. Dan

Information by phone: +36-20-943-5097

Place of trainings: Eagles Fitness Center
Pécs, Búza square 6/a

Schedule of trainings: Tuesday-Thursday 17.30-19.30

Hawks of Pét TKD Club

Chiefinstructor: Enyingi László V. Dan

information by phone: +36-20-969-7695

Place of trainings: 8105 Pétfürdő, Berhida str. 54.
Gymnasium of the Horváth István Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 16.30-19.00

Pile SC

Chiefinstructor: Glück Géza III. Dan

Information by phone: +36-30-651-1107

Place of trainings: 2098 Pilisszentkereszt,
Forrás str., Hall of the Community Center

Schedule of trainings: Tuesday 18.00-20.30,
Saturday 10.00-12.00

Szarvas Taekwon-do Tóth Dojang

Chiefinstructor: Tóth István IV. Dan

Information by phone: +36-20-3708379

Place of trainings: 5540. Szarvas, Benka Gyula str.7.

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday-Friday 18.00-19.30

Szeged, Club Dynamic SC

Chiefinstructor: Ács Sánta Imre V. Dan

Instructors: Gombos Attila V. Dan, Solti Attila V.Dan
Chrappan Róbert IV.Dan, Molnár Hetti III.Dan

Information by phone: +36-30-935-2008

Place of trainings: Szeged, Párizsi bvd. 16-22,
Gymansium of the Chief Police Dept.

Schedule of trainings: Tuesday 19.30-21.00,
Thursday 18.30-20.00, Friday 19.00-20.30

Children group
Place of trainings: Szeged, József Attila avenue,
Gymnasium of the Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday 17.30-19.00

Sziget Dolphins TKD SC

Chiefinstructor: Nagy Zoltán III. Dan

Information by phone: +36-30-273-5994

Place of Trainings: 2315 Szigethalom, Fekete str. 5.

Schedule of trainigs:
Kids: 7-13 years
Tuesday, Thursday 17:00-18:30
Juniors-adults: 13+ years
Tuesday, Thursday 19:00-20:30
Sunday 10:00-11:30 (Sparring)

Makó TKD Club

Chiefinstructor: Gera József III. Dan

Instructor: Panyor Róbert II.Dan, Martonosi Gábor I. Dan

Information by phone: +36-20-554-54-22

Place of trainings: 6900 Makó, Gymnasium of the Pápay Endre Elementary School
Vásárhelyi str. 1-3.

Schedule of trainings: Tuesday-Thursday 17.30-19.30

Place of trainings: Csanádpalota, City Gymnastics Hall

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday-Friday: 18:00 - 19:30

Tápiómenti TKD SC

Chiefinstructor: Master Fülpesi Tibor VII. Dan

Information by phone: +36-29-436808

Place of trainings: 2241 Sülysáp, Malom str. 14.,
Gymnasium of the Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday 18.00-20.0, Friday 17.00-19.00

Place of trainings: 2230 Gyömrő, Kossuth str. 5-7,
Gymnasium of the No. 4. Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Tuesday-Thursday 18.00-20.00

Telki Taekwon-do Club

Chiefinstructor: Samreth-Nimol Kánid V. Dan

Sepp Yvette IV. Dan, Sepp Ákos II. Dan,
Sepp Márton II. Dan, Sepp Norbert II. Dan

Information by phone: +36-30-258-6640

Place of trainings: Gymnasium of the Telki Elementary School

Schedule of trainings:
Wednesday 18.00-20.00,
Saturday 8.00-10.00


Chiefinstructor: Máté Tibor II. Dan

Information by phone: +36-30-2186442

Place of trainings: 5900 Orosháza,
Gymnasium of the No. 3. Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Wednesday-Friday 17.30-19.30

Place of trainings: 5830 Battonya, Gymnasium

Schedule of trainings: Tuesday-Thursday 19.00-20.30

Tiszafüred ITF Taekwon-do Club

Chiefinstructor: Pilhoffer Csaba III. Dan

Information by phone: +36-30-716-7344

Place of trainings: 5350 Tiszafüred,
Gymnasium of the Kossuth Lajos Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday-Thursday 17.00-19.00

Várpalota TKD Klub

Chiefinstructor: Hajas Attila III. Dan

Information by phone: +36-70-227-9118

Children group:
Place of trainings:
8100 Várpalota,
Gál Gyula City Sports Hall
Fehérvár str. 9.

Schedule of trainings: Tuesday 16.00-17.00

Place of trainings: 8100 Várpalota,
Bán Aladár Elementary School

Schedule of trainings: Friday 16.00-17.00

Adult group:
Place of trainings:
8100 Várpalota,
Gál Gyula City Sports Hall
Fehérvár str. 9.

Schedule of trainings: Tuesday 17.00-19.00, Thursday 17.30-19.00, Friday 18.00-19.30

Vasad Cobras TKD Club

Chiefinstructor: Bolyán Antal V. Dan

Information by phone: +36-30-405-7711

Place of trainings:Gymnasium of the Vasad Elementary School
2011 Vasad, Petőfi str. 30.

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday 17.30-19.30

Veszprém Taekwon-Do SC Adult Division

Chiefinstructor: Kerekes Balázs, V. Dan

Edzők: Dr. Somlai János VI. Dan
Sebestyén Pál VI. Dan,
Meilinger László V. Dan
Szarapka István III. Dan

Information by phone:

ADULTS - 14 yrs+ beginner and advanced level

Chiefinstructor: Kerekes Balázs V. Dan
Place of trainings:
Gymnastic Hall of the Lovassy László Secondary School
Schedule of trainings:
Monday 17:30-19:00, Wednesday 17:30-19:00
Place of trainings:
Shine Fitness (Rómer Flóris str 19)
Schedule of trainings:
Black Belts: Tuesday 19:00-20:30
Beginners: Thursday 18:30-20:00

Senior training

Instructor: Somlai János VI. Dan Place of trainingse:
Gymnastic Hall of the Lovassy László Secondary School
Schedule of trainings: Monday 17:30-19:00

CHILDREN - 14yrs-

Place of trainings: Agóra Veszprém Cultural Center, 8200 Veszprém, Táborállás square 1.
Hall #10
Schedule of trainings:
Tuesday-Friday 17:30-19:00
Instructor: Meilinger László V. Dan

Place of trainings: Gyulafirátót - Gymnastics Hall of the Gyulaffy László German Nationality Primary School (Veszprém-Gyulafirátót, Vizi str. 24.)
Schedule of trainings: Monday, Wednesday 16:30-18:00
Instructor: Szarapka István III. Dan

Phoenix Taekwon-do SA Veszprém (Children and Junior Group)

Chiefinstructor: Papirovnyik Mónika III. Dan

Information by phone: +36-20-971-1281

Place and schedule of trainings: Simonyi Zsigmond Music and Gymnastics Primary School
Monday-Wednesday 16:00-17:00
Rózsa street Primary School
Monday-Wednesday 17:30-19:00
Veszprém SZC Táncsics Mihály Secondary School
Tuesday-Thursday 17:00-18:30

VEDAC. Combat Sports Division, Taekwon-do specialization

Chiefinstructor: Bécsi Nikolett III.Dan

Information by phone: +36-20-397-9863

Place of trainings:
Fenyves Sport Club - Squash Veszprém
(The gym below the squash courts)
8200 Veszprém, Fenyves str. 21. Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday 17.00-18.30

Hornets Taekwon-do Club

Chiefinstructor: Mucsy Petra IV. Dan

Instructor: Gipp Róbert III. Dan

Information by phone: +36-20-278-0039

Place of trainings:8200 Veszprém, Tüzér str. 2.

Schedule of trainings: Monday: 16:30 - 17:30, Tuesday: 16:00 - 17:15
Thursday: 18:15 - 20:15

Zion Dojang

Chiefinstructor: Gábor Zoltán IV. dan

Informaton by phone: +36 70 674 5600

Place of trainings: 1081 Budapest, Bezerédj str 4.

Schedule of trainigs: Tuesday-Thursday 17:30-18:45
Kids (5-7 years): Wednesday-Friday 15:00 - 16:00

Zalai Taekwon-do Sport Association

Chiefinstructor: Meilinger László V. Dan

Instructor: Slemmer Róbert

Information by phone: +36 20 387 3100

Place of trainings:
8985 Becsvölgye Community House

Schedule of trainings:Monday from 16.30
Friday from 17.00

Zirc Taekwon-do Club

Chiefinstructor: Master Máté Zoltán VII. Dan

Information by phone: +36 30 423 10 82

Place of trainings:
Reguly Antal Primary School Zirc
8420 Zirc, Rákóczi square 3-5

Schedule of trainings: Monday-Wednesday
16.00 - 17.00 kids
17.00 - 18.00 juniors and adults